Barry Riholtz eloquently sums up my feelings on the rule of law (and where it’s gone) in our country: “The Rule of Law is yet another bedrock foundation of this nation. It seems to get ignored when the criminals involved received billions in bipartisan bailout monies. The line of bullshit being used on State AGs […]
Political News
- Global coffee trade grinding to a halt, hit hard by brutal price hikes
- In-N-Out’s billionaire heiress says she stood in line for 2 hours to land a job at her own store when she was just a teenager to shake the ‘stigma of being the owner’s kid’ and ‘earn respect’
- Pilot arrested at Logan Airport dies in parking garage at MBTA station, state police say
- China imposes retaliatory tariffs on Canadian farm and food products
- Ice fisherman who went missing during blizzard warning found dead at Minnesota lake
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