I concur. Further, I think this thing is far from over. I don’t actually believe our country will recover from this, from the rule of law to the social fabric…both have been shattered. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post
As it should be. There was a time I believed in the invisible hand and in the free market, in the notion that corporations would do right by the people. That belief, like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, was nothing more than a fairy tale. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare […]
Still not a good market, folks. Unless you can tolerate further loss and/or are planning for the purchase to be your “forever” home, it is generally not a good time to buy. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post
Mr. Cohan believes Elizabeth Warren should give up and go back to Harvard, so someone more agreeable can chair the organization she’s putting together. The theory goes this would let the poor banks implement the change…because having agreeable people has worked so well to date. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with […]
Why Elizabeth Warren Is Still the Best Choice for CFPB Director With the President’s appointment of Warren to an advisory role, my hope for her nomination faded. I don’t see this happening, but she’s still a fantastic pick. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on […]
Everything is just fine, says Goldman Sachs, as they do everything in their power to maintain their profit margin. Bias much? Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post
PSA: It’s still not a good time to buy a house. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are holding 242,000 properties off of the national market to prevent further deflation. That’s just these two entities folks; how many do the other banks combined hold? Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about […]
Absolutely outrageous doesn’t begin to describe this act. The last line of this article sums up what Blue Shield is doing. “By jacking up rates, insurers are pushing people off their rolls and are undermining efforts to get more consumers access to healthcare,” he said. “Insurance companies only want customers who can pay the […]
…about time. Now, if only ever other state in the Union would get a clue. Watch now as legislators rush to the defense and aid of these banks. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post
This isn’t going to do anything; the Palin’s cannot stand in the way of economic reality. Anyone who runs into this neighborhood thinking this means good things for the area deserves the hit they’re going to take in the pocketbook. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the […]