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Category Archives: National Debt

There is no debt ceiling or fiscal cliff? Right?


The short answer: yes and no. Forbes says no, Paul says yes. One of the first comments points out that “no” is a more applicable answer, so long as the amount of fiat money in circulation is not disclosed…which it is not disclosed and hasn’t been for years (by both GOP and DNC administrations). Where […]

Christie to Buffett: Just write a check


Yep. For all his talk, if Mr Buffet really cared about the deficit or tax rate, he could just cut a check. Buffett is largely regarded as a prophet of finance; don’t buy the hype. Many of his moves make money by virtue of the money he already has.   Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend […]

3 lies about deficits


I don’t agree with the characterization of home ownership subsidies as “cruel.”  It comes across as an odd, emotive label in what the author otherwise attempts to rationally discuss.  I also don’t agree that private capital necessarily helps the impoverished shoemaker.  It will only do so if it benefits the same capital. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg […]

Federal pay to be frozen for two years…


Pointless, to quote the Scarecrow. Further, it’s a tone deaf action that indicates he’s not really interested in helping the average citizen. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post

The coming pension wars…


…I am not a smart man, but from what I have read and the few “numbers” I do know, I believe our country is headed toward fiscal catastrophe.  I just don’t see how the debt levels we have, nationally and individually, are sustainable.  Further, I don’t see how the public pensions are sustainable, without heavy […]

Chairman Joint Chiefs says national debt greatest threat to national security…


…scary stuff. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post